Senior Animal Care

With the advancements in veterinary medicine over the past decade, our pets are living much longer lives. This presents a whole host of new challenges for keeping our geriatric pets healthy and happy which is why it is especially important to cater their veterinary care to their unique needs.

At Oakwell Animal Hospital, our veterinarians and staff take great pride in providing the best senior care for your pet’s age-related conditions. Some examples of problems that may develop with senior pets are arthritis, diabetes, kidney disease, behavioral changes, and many others. Senior pets require more attention and at Oakwell, we provide just that. We have state-of-the-art lab and imaging equipment that allows us to evaluate your pet and work with you to come up with the best plans to care for your senior pet.

Our senior wellness exams always include comprehensive physical exams and discussions with our highly trained and knowledgeable veterinarians about the aging process and your pet’s overall health. Depending on your pet’s needs we may also recommend some of these services: senior wellness bloodwork, dental cleaning, urine testing, or joint mobility evaluation, among other options.

These examinations may also include end-of-life discussions and care for your beloved pets. Our veterinarians will guide you through options for pain relief or humane euthanasia when the time comes. Our staff is here to support you and your pets to make this transition as comfortable as possible.

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